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Inviting Authors on Blog Oh! Blog

by admin

Write for us!

Write for us!

This is an open invitation to all the bloggers and authors who want to write for Blog Oh! Blog.

Why the Invite?

For a long time, I have been managing this website all by myself where I had to create WordPress themes (free, premium and custom), manage the blog, and also write articles for publishing on Blog Oh! Blog. Things do get hectic when you are a one man running the big show.

Blog Oh! Blog’s themes are widely used by bloggers who use WordPress as their blogging platform. This is a major contributing factor for the website’s success and once I get a good team of authors, I will get the time to fully concentrate on that aspect and that will help take Blog Oh! Blog to a much higher level.

Why write for Blog Oh! Blog?

Today Blog Oh! Blog has achieved a respectable status and can be used as a decent platform for any author to showcase his skills and in turn promote his own website. Here are a few statistics that you might want to consider before writing for this website :-

Google PageRank :- 7/10

Alexa Rank :- 13,527

Unique visitors per month (Majority from USA, UK and China) :- 1,00,000 +

Backlinks (I think none of the existing WordPress Theme websites surpasses this number) :- 2,225,392

RSS Reader count :- 10000+

Topics to be Covered

A wide range of topics will be covered ranging from WordPress, Web Design, Blogging, Resource Lists to Showcasing artwork, Tutorials etc. Here is a list of the topics to be more specific :-

  • WordPress (Themes/Plugins)
  • Blogging World
  • Inspirational Articles (related to Web World)
  • Icons (collections)
  • Wallpapers
  • Tips & Tutorials
  • Web Design in General
  • Resource Lists
  • Graphics
  • Tools & Techniques

The topics are not limited to the above list. If I like the article and is suited for the blog, I will definitely post it on the blog.

Writing Guidelines

  • Make sure that the article content is original, written by you, and not copied from somewhere on the Internet.
  • The writing style has to be friendly, inspirational, creative, and overall engaging.
  • There should be no spelling or grammatical errors.
  • You should strike a perfect balance between your textual content and images.

What you’ll get?

  • Any articles that are accepted for publishing will be attached with an author’s short bio that will contains your website/portfolio’s link.
  • A separate page will be build on Blog Oh! Blog where all the authors will be listed with their websites.
  • Best authors will also be compensated with cash!

What Next?

If I have gotten you interested, you can contact me at bob[at]blogohblog.com with your articles or just go through the Contact Page.

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